Breaking Dawn, Part I Movie Review

Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner
Rated PG-13 for disturbing images, violence, sexuality/partial nudity and some thematic elements

Finally, finally, finally! Finally, they got a movie right in this series. If you have read my other reviews of the Twilight Saga movies, then you will know that I have been none too impressed with the film installments around this beloved series. The other films have focused too much on making this story realistic versus fully embracing fantasy elements of the series. Therefore, the movies have seemed more like simplistic teenage love stories rather than the robust romances of the book series.

Enough gushing...let's get to the movie. In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, Bella and Edward are preparing for their wedding. The invitations have been sent, and we see Jacob running for the wolf life after receiving Bella's invitation. The Cullen clan, specifically Alice, plans an over-the-top yet unbelievably beautiful ceremony for Bella and Edward. The two lovers declare their vows under a field of hung flowers and begin their new life on an exotic honeymoon. After finally consummating their relationship, Bella and Edward find themselves in an unusual situation. Bella becomes pregnant, and the rest of the movie is focused on the birth of their new half-vampire, half-human child. 

As I said in the opening, I really enjoyed the direction of this movie. I am a Twi-hard, and I felt very satisfied with the movie representation of key elements in the book. The wedding and subsequent reception were gorgeous and so perfect for Bella and Edward. The updated language and comedic moments felt natural to the story. The sex scenes were tasteful and not too sensational, which is how they are portrayed in the books. The progression of Bella's pregnancy moved along at a good pace, and the conflicting interests of the families was represented in a strong but not "preachy" way. Jacob's imprinting was only mildly disturbing, and the birth scene was intense yet appropriate for the rating. Some critics have really aired their disappointment with these critical scenes (honeymoon sex and birth), but the writers and director did justice to these scenes while paying homage to the way in which the books were written.

While the Breaking Dawn book began to stray from the major love story of the series, this science-fiction type of events brought a deeper insight into the relationship between Bella and Edward. Both the book and the film highlight the typical obstacles every couple faces over the course of a relationship. Living with difficult family situations, making joint decisions about children, fighting for each other when one of you is down, sacrificing your life for the other - these are all issues that loving couples deal with every day. I don't know where you get your advice for your relationships, but one of my main sources is the Bible. In the book of Ephesians, the author Paul is encouraging people to live out the love that they have experienced through God. In chapter four, he gives some great advice for our relationships...

And mark that you do this with humility and discipline—not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences. You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. Ephesians 4:4-5, The Message

Healthy, loving relationships require a great amount of humility and discipline. From the Twilight Saga perspective, you can see this when Edward begs Jacob for help with Bella. It is also evident in Bella as she chooses to keep a baby that is dangerous to her. More importantly, we see the oneness between Bella and Edward as they grow to love a child who knows nothing but love for them. Loving couples have a unity between each other that is marked by their humility. May we all be known by that kind of love. 

Unfortunately, we have to wait another year before The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is released in theaters. May the final installment be as good as the last!