Small Group Questions for Twilight

  • How would you describe Bella Swan? What makes her such a relatable character for women?
  • Read Ephesians 1:3-6. What are the actions of God in these verses? What are our actions here?
  • Identity is a prominent theme in Ephesians and Twilight. What are some ways that our identities can be shaped by outside influences?
  • Glance at Genesis 3:1-10. Adam and Eve used leaves to cover themselves after they sinned. What kind of figurative leaves do we use today to hide ourselves?
  • Read Ephesians 1:7-14. Based on this passage, how would you describe an identity based in Christ Jesus? What phrases stand out to you?
  • The Twilight series has a host of little communities from the Cullen clan to the La Push tribe. What are your communities? What role does community play in your life?
  • Read Ephesians 1:15-23. Describe what “clear and focused” spiritual eyes look like in your life or in the lives of others.