Small Group Questions for the Whole Series

  • In your opinion, why is the Twilight series so popular? What drew you to this book series in the first place?
  • Read Matthew 4. How did Jesus engage with his culture? Where did he go? What kinds of conversations did he have?
  • What are some popular movies or television shows now that deal with love and forgiveness? How about immortality?
  • How do you study the Bible? What habits have you established for personal study? What tools or resources do you access for difficult passages?
  • Read Ephesians 1:1-2. How does Paul introduce himself in this passage? What else do you know about Paul?

  • How would you describe Bella Swan? What makes her such a relatable character for women?
  • Read Ephesians 1:3-6. What are the actions of God in these verses? What are our actions here?
  • Identity is a prominent theme in Ephesians and Twilight. What are some ways that our identities can be shaped by outside influences?
  • Glance at Genesis 3:1-10. Adam and Eve used leaves to cover themselves after they sinned. What kind of figurative leaves do we use today to hide ourselves?
  • Read Ephesians 1:7-14. Based on this passage, how would you describe an identity based in Christ Jesus? What phrases stand out to you?
  • The Twilight series has a host of little communities from the Cullen clan to the La Push tribe. What are your communities? What role does community play in your life?
  • Read Ephesians 1:15-23. Describe what “clear and focused” spiritual eyes look like in your life or in the lives of others.

New Moon
  • In the beginning of New Moon, Edward leaves Bella. Do you think that was a wise choice? Why or why not?
  • Read Ephesians 2:1-10. What darkness has lifted in your life since God entered it? How has God’s grace changed your perspective?
  • Review I Samuel 23:14-18. How would you describe Jonathan and David’s friendship? What are some attributes of a real friend?
  • Bella engages in risky behavior so she can hear Edward’s voice. She even jumps off a cliff, which seems suicidal. When does depression move from a sad state to dangerous behavior?
  • Look at I Kings 19. Why was Elijah depressed? What was God’s answer to him?
  • Read Ephesians 2:11-22. What groups are divided in your life? How can Christ bring these groups together? 
  • After saving Edward in Volterra, Bella still cannot believe that he wants to be with her. The lie is more alluring than the truth. When has a lie been easier to believe than the truth in your life? Why was the lie appealing?

  • Edward is an overbearing boyfriend in the beginning of Eclipse. What parts of his behavior are appropriate? What parts are inappropriate?
  • Read Ephesians 3:1-13. Paul has an understanding of God’s purpose for his life. What is your purpose? In what ways has God’s power transformed you?
  • God’s love is a uniting force in the community of Christ. How can we create more unity between differing groups in our community?
  • Edward and Jacob spend a night discussing their love for Bella. How would you describe their relationship after this night? What changes between them?
  • Read Ephesians 3:14-21. God’s love is greater than we can imagine. Have you ever experienced this type of love? What makes God’s love different for you?
  • Look at I Kings 3:16-28. It is the story that Jacob references at the end of Eclipse. What happens in this story? How does this story relate to Jacob’s statement to Bella?
  • Bella makes some final decisions after the battle with Victoria. How has her identity changed from the beginning of Eclipse to the end?

Breaking Dawn, Book I
  • Several couples provide examples of marriage for Bella – Charlie & Renee, Carlisle & Esme, Same & Emily. Compare and contrast these couples. Which one is the strongest influence in Bella’s life?
  • Read Ephesians 4:1-6. What are we commanded to do? In light of Bella and Edward’s nuptials, how can these verses also apply to marriage?
  • Study I Corinthians 12:12-31. What are some of the gifts mentioned in this passage? Have you been given any of these? How can you use these gifts within the community of Christ?
  • Read Ephesians 4:7-24. What does maturity look like in Christ? How is one’s life different with the Holy Spirit?
  • Why is sexual intimacy best enjoyed in a marriage? Do you agree with that belief? Why or why not?
  • Read Ephesians 4:25-32. What are some behaviors that destroy the community of Christ? What behaviors promote unity?

Breaking Dawn, Book II
  • In Breaking Dawn, Book II, the narrator changes to Jacob. How is his perspective and outlook different than Bella?
  • Read Ephesians 5:1-7. How can sexuality become a problem for Christians? What kind of support do we need to be sexually pure in this culture?
  • Bella continues with a very dangerous pregnancy. How would you have handled this situation? Did Bella make the right choice?
  • Read Ephesians 5:8-16. We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit. What other things must be put away so we can be filled?
  • Look over Romans 8. What do you learn about the Holy Spirit in these verses? How have you experienced the Spirit in your life?
  • Read Ephesians 5:22-33. What is Paul teaching us about marriage? What other verses in Ephesians provide advice on marriage?

Breaking Dawn, Book III
  • When Bella completes her vampire conversion, how is she different? Is it what she dreamed it would be?
  • Read Ephesians 6:1-4. Paul gives little advice to parents in these verses. What does he say? What other verses in Ephesians provide advice on parenting?
  • When Irina betrays the Cullen family, they are faced with a challenge from the Volturi. What do we learn about the Volturi as other vampires arrive to stand with the Cullens?
  • Read Ephesians 6:5-9. Where is slavery present in our world today? What people groups disgust you? How would Paul counsel you on this topic?
  • Garrett gives a revolutionary speech in response to the Volturi visit. What has he observed about the Cullen family? What makes them different from other vampires?
  • Read Ephesians 6:10-18. Why must we have armor in this world? How can we stand and fight together as the community of Christ?

  • How did you like the end of the Twilight series? How would you have changed the ending if you could?
  • The four themes in Ephesians that we have discussed are truth, power, love and identity. Which theme is most convicting to you? Which theme is most prominent in the Twilight series?
  • Engaging our culture in a healthy way involves biblical understanding, appropriate boundaries and strong accountability. Which of these three elements are lacking in your life? How can you access more support?
  • Read Ephesians 6:19-24. What final instructions does Paul give in his conclusion?
  • What have you learned most from this study? What has been your favorite passage in Ephesians?
  • What are you going to do with immortality? What are you going to do with the love God offers to you?